Sunday, October 14, 2007

HymnSunday - I Am Resolved

“Christ hath made us free.” Galatians 5:1

Music: James H. Fillmore, Sr., 1896. Fill­more orig­in­al­ly wrote the song for use at the con­ven­tion of Christ­ian En­dea­vor in San Fran­cis­co. Four­teen trains of peo­ple sang the song on the way from Ohio to the con­ven­tion. Af­ter­ward, Fill­more asked Hart­sough, a writ­er on the staff of Fill­more’s mu­sic pub­lish­ing house, to write new words so the song could be of more wide­spread use.


I am resolved no longer to linger,
Charmed by the world’s delight,
Things that are higher, things that are nobler,
These have allured my sight.


I will hasten to Him, hasten so glad and free;
Jesus, greatest, highest, I will come to Thee.
I will hasten, hasten to Him, hasten so glad and free;
Jesus, Jesus, greatest, highest, I will come to Thee.

I am resolved to go to the Savior,
Leaving my sin and strife;
He is the true One, He is the just One,
He hath the words of life.


I am resolved to follow the Savior,
Faithful and true each day;
Heed what He sayeth, do what He willeth,
He is the living Way.


I am resolved to enter the kingdom
Leaving the paths of sin;
Friends may oppose me, foes may beset me,
Still will I enter in.


I am resolved, and who will go with me?
Come, friends, without delay,
Taught by the Bible, led by the Spirit,
We’ll walk the heav’nly way.


1 comment:

Leaking Moonlight said...

Thank you for the old time religion, for which I am grateful.

And thank you for the tetris game, for which I have been humbled.