Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Question of the Week

Looks like Ron Paul is the choice for Prez among readers who voted. Fred Thompson is next, followed by Huckabee.

This week's question will not be a poll, but will require comments. It's a question that's been around for quite a while, in one variation or another...

You're about to be banished to a deserted island, but are granted the ability to take 3 items with you. Which 3 things do you take?

You can post anonymously if you wish, but I'd be interested to hear as many people's responses as possible. I'm definitely going to have to think about this for a little bit before I respond.

Comment away!


stephen said...

Ok, My 3 things...

1) bottled water
2) medicine
3) a boat

erin said...

Aw, I was going to say a boat! I would also bring a water purifier and a satellite phone.

Anonymous said...

Hey there! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I appreciated your "long" post. :) haha! I just love comments anyway. Come back anytime!

In answer to your question here, leaving practicalities aside, I'd bring things that made me happy or content:
1. my bible. - so I could have lots of God-time
2. my guitar. Worship is awesome.
3. my favorite person. always to have someone to entertain you around. :)

stephen said...

Here's Dwight Schrute's answer as to which book he'd take on a deserted island:

"Dwight: Question, is there firewood on the island?

Jim: I guess.

Dwight: Then I would bring an axe, no books.

Jim: It has to be a book Dwight.

Dwight: Fine. Physician’s Desk Reference…

Jim: Nice. Smart.

Dwight: …hollowed out. Inside: Waterproof matches, iodine tables, beet seeds, protein bars, NASA blanket and, in case I get bored, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. No – Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Question, did my shoes come off in the plane crash?"

Anonymous said...

My 3 things:

1) a notebook
2) a pencil
3) a football

Susan said...

1. sunscreen
2. mullet wig
3. a friend