Monday, September 24, 2007

Poll of the Week - Furnace or Lions?

In a reasonably close and spread out result, Bourne Ultimatum takes the best (among the highest grossing) movie thus far this year. That was my choice as well. I think it was definitely the best of the trilogy. It was a fun, action packed summer movie. I don't know that it will rank among the all time greats, but it was definitely with the price of admission.

This week's poll question:

There were two situations in the book of Daniel in which God saved His people from a dire circumstance: Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego from the fiery furnace and Daniel from the lions’ den. They each have a sense of impending doom, but they each carry with them a different stigma. If, for you, the proverbial writing was on the wall, which do you pick… the toasty furnace or the pride of hungry lions?

Here’s the outcome that Erin and I chose, in her words from a previous post:

“I decided I'd rather be burned than watch myself be chewed to death, but Stephen said he'd rather risk the lions because there's a slight chance that he could fight them off, whereas you can't really escape a fiery furnace unless you have an angel protecting you.”

Results this time next week. Don't forget to post your reasoning in the comment section below.

Happy voting!


euphrony said...

I would definitely go with the lions. No illusions that I could fend them off - it's just that I know what happens as a body burns. In intense heat, without actually being in "flame", the skin begins to dry and crack and become crisp. The fat layers near the skin surface begins to boil. Every breath is excruciating. And it takes a long time.

With the lions sure they'll bite you. But animals tend to go for the neck - to either snap the spine or strangle. Death would be faster, and there's a good chance that you would go into shock and simply not feel what's going on up to the point of death.

Now, mentally, both options leave you thinking too much about what is happening as it happens.

Too much analysis?

stephen said...

Great analysis, euphrony. I don't have much of a delusion that I could fight off the hungry lions, but I figure even if there's a billionth of a percent of a chance I could somehow climb something or hope that their teeth fall out, that's a greater chance than avoiding the fire once tossed in. Plus, I've never been a big fan of being burnt. I've burnt myself on the oven several times. At least I'd be feeding hungry animals when I go.